Buenos Aires, Argentina. 16 Marzo 2011.
El evento Cambio global; soluciones, ciencias y cooperaciones regionales, es organizado por la Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Internacionales del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación Productiva junto al Instituto Interamericano para la Investigación del Cambio Global (IAI).
En este evento, el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva destacará la integración de científicos argentinos en las redes internacionales del cambio global y mostrará enfoques novedosos en la investigación regional, con el fin de que los países aprovechen la información científica y las oportunidades de promover cooperaciones multilaterales más estrechas, con el IAI como nexo y facilitador.
Las presentaciones durante el evento mostrarán que el clima en el planeta no se modifica sólo por cambios en la atmósfera global sino que la acción del hombre a través de los cambios en el uso de la tierra y su cobertura trae aparejadas alteraciones permanentes en la hidrología y en el clima que repercuten en escalas continentales y hemisféricas. El Dr Jobbagy presentará 4 posters que explicarán las actividades que viene desarrollando el proyecto CRN 2031-IAI.
Santa Rosa, La Pampa Argentina. July, 2010.
Maryland, United States. July, 2010.
Visit of 18 CoPIs and Students from CRN 2034.
SIXTEEN students+CoPIs participated
Visit of team from Alberta/Morelia (CRN 2021 - PI, SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, CoPI QUESADA) to CoPIs of CRN 2031.
TWELVE students+CoPIs participated.
San Luis, Argentina. December, 2009.
San Luis, Argentina. December, 2009.
The agriculturization a wide area Argentina and other Latin American countries has respond quickly to market demand international but also has accelerated the loss and deterioration of forests, grasslands and wetlands during Last 2 decades. While the social and environment of these processes have not yet been well sized, can not ignore the possible occurrence conflict between agricultural production and cattle-forest intensifies, and the provision of other ecosystem goods and services (BSE) such as soil erosion control, regulation of gas atmospheric disturbances in the regulation of different origin, the provision of clean water, the cycling nutrients and the preservation of social and environmental heritage (Diversity of production systems, diversity biological and cultural landscape). An instrument able to recognize and minimize those conflicts and integrate knowledge in the projection of sustainable use policies of the systems is land use (OT) agreed space rural..
For further information, please access [PDF]
This summer school course (using a capacity building-based program) will be taught at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The invited speakers, a broad range of backgrounds will present the latest knowledge in land surface interactions with the atmosphere, on the assimilation of surface data (specifically related to surface processes), and finally, on the regional climatic controls that impact the hydrology of the La Plata Basin.
The proposed syllabus follows:
1. The hydroclimate of the La Plata basin (Berbery)
2. Ecosystems, land cover/land use (Jobbágy)
3. Regional modeling (Pedro Silva Dias)
4. Hydrological modeling (Lettenmaier)
5. Land-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks (Berbery, P. Silva Dias)
6. Data assimilation systems (Kalnay, Herdies)
7. Regional land data assimilation systems (de Goncalves, Herdies)
8. Remote sensing (Machado)
9. Satellite products and their input in data assimilation systems
(Herdies, de Goncalves)
For further information, please access
San Luis, Argentina. October, 2009
July, 2009
Goal: To expand our understanding of how remote sensing can provide information and assess the impacts of global change on the hydrology of semi-arid regions, and to develop a regional and international knowledge network to make operational use of remote sensing technology for water management.
Roxana Aragón was one of the speakers. She talked about "Assessing temporal changes in superficial and groundwater storage through remote sensing".
More in: https://iaibr3.iai.int/twiki/bin/view/TISemiArid09/WebHome (only with Internet Explorer)
Ongoing research and results on the effects of several transformation (grassland encroachment, deforestation for agriculture, shrub removal) on deep water and salt transport were discussed and synthesis products outlined. Field methodologies and modelling approaches were evaluated and compared.
Dr. Dushmantha Jayawickreme, from Duke University (CoPI Jackson), coordinated training and research discussions on the application of geoelectrical techniques for ecosystem-groundwater interactions. Students and researchers from Duke University, UBA and Universidad Nacional de San Luis participated in the event.
Goal: Work Presentation of " The effect of treeplantations on south american ecosystems functioning" by Baldi G, Nosetto MD and Jobbágy EG.
Goal: Define collaborative steps for CRN 2031 and Berbery's recent grant on Climate-Land Use iteractions. Identify potential students and collaborators.
Goal: presentation of SGP-HD 003 and its ongoing components. Presentation of GEA lab research lines on ecohydrology. Identifiaction of common questions and complementary capacities. Update of LechuSA logs for Chile.
Goal: Discuss future work on ecosystem service's valuation and its use for evaluating the sustainability of croplands in the Pampas and Chaco-Espinal. Several Research objetives and activities were identified. In this meeting we also evaluated a potential master that did not meet the requirements necessary to successfully conduct the research planed. we further set the requirements for incorporating a new Master sstudent to conduct part of the research. In the following dates a new student, Florencia Rosinato, was selected and started working imediately.
Goal: Outline a research plan for this important land use change to be conducted as part of the dissertation work by Rodrigo Ferraz from Meirelles lab.
Goal: Initial meeting of all CoPIs and associated IAI grantees. Discussion of project goals with stakeholders.
Goal: Redefine soil carbon synthesis tasks. Discuss major guiding ideas and distribute tasks among team member groups
Goal:Outline a new research line to be conducted by postdoc Santiago Veron.
The principal goals of this meeting were: 1) to provide recommendations to help IAI develop its data and information policy; and 2) to encourage IAI projects (CRN II, SGP-HD) to make data available and expand international and interdisciplinary scientific interactions through improved information management.
More information in https://iaibr3.iai.int/twiki/bin/view/TIData08/WebHome
Goal: Presentation of CRN and SGP-HD projects. Dscussion of challenges and opportunities for integration and relevance orientation.
Participants: (GEA, UDELAR Social Sciences)
Participants: (IANIGLA, CONICET, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, GEA, University of Miami, INTA-CIRN)
This start-up event was the first step in the collaboration of CRNs 2031 (platabasin) and 2047 (climate change & hydrology in the Andes) and the recently awarded SGP-HD 003 project under the direction of Dr. Francisco Meza from Universidad Catolica de Chile. Complementary capacities and common interests and challenges were discussed in the meeting and agenda for collaboration and student exchange was set.
Participants: (IANIGLA, GEA, Duke University)
Goal: join efforts on research and capacity building with members of CRN 2047 from IANIGLA- Mendoza. Exchange ideas, protocols, data and initiate codirection of students.
Participants: (Duke University, GEA, FAUBA)
Participants: (GEA, INTA)
Goal: Research update on a) regional flooding dynamics, b) land use responses, c) vegetation influences on GW level.
Participants: (INTA, FAUBA)
Federico Bert (UBA) and Esteban Jobbágy (UBA-UNSL) gave lectures on climatic and hydrological aspects of agriculture in the Pampas to more than 1500 atendees.
The following CoPIs and postdocs of the CRN II attended the meeting:
They participated in many presentations as follows:
- Jackson RB, McElrone AJ, Bleby TM, Piñeiro G, Jobbágy EG. 2007. Ecohydrology underground: how root attributes influence water, carbon, and nutrient cycling.
- Piñeiro G, Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB, Santoni CS, Portela SI, DiBella CM. 2007. RP-RainNet: The Rio de la Plata Atmospheric Deposition Network. Set up and Preliminary Results.
- Jobbágy EG, Nosetto MD, Santoni CS, Jackson RB. 2007. Ecosystem-groundwater interactions under changing land uses: Linking water, salts, and carbon across central Argentina. Invited presentation.
- Jobbágy EG, Piñeiro G. 2007. Global Change science in Latin America: How can we get more scientists doing it at home? Note: This presentation was part of session dedicated to Global Change and Capacity Building in the America organized by the IAI.
- Podestá GP, Bert F, Weber E, Laciana C, Rajagopalan B, Letson D. 2007. Adaptation to Interannual and Interdecadal Climate Variability in Agricultural Production Systems of the Argentine Pampas.
Participants: (EMBRAPA, GEA)
Reunión de cooperación entre Grupo de Estudios Ambientales (UNSL/CONICET) Programa de Gestión Ambiental (INTA)
Objetivo de la Reunión:
Participants: (University of Virginia)
Participants: (EMBRAPA, UNLPAM)
Goals of the meeting
- Present/update CRN 2031 goals
- Expose interests, expectations, and capacities of all CoPIs
- Introduce new postdocs
- Start an agenda of specific collaborations and activities for the next 2 years
- Review administrative issues
With many of the CoPIs that were not in this meeting we had some initial discussion around these goals before
(Meirelles, Coutinho, Podesta, Jackson, Hoffmann) and your opinions and ideas were brought to the discussion in BA.
Meeting participants:
CoPIs: Alice Altesor - Genaro Coronel - Carlos Di Bella - Esteban Jobbágy - Juan Maceira - Elke Noellemeyer - Daniel Panario - Diego Piñeiro - José Paruelo
Authorized Institutional Representative (AIR): Roberto Fernández
Executing agency: Florencia Counyo - Federico del Pino - Dolores Arocena
Postdocs/Students: Roxana Aragon - Germán Baldi - Matías Carambula - Carlos Céspedes - Victoria Marchesini - Gervasio Piñeiro - Ernesto Vega - Andres Wehrle
This meeting was not planned as a plenary event. It only brought together people from neighboring areas to reduce travel costs.
We will have a plenary meeting next year in which more hands on work will be targeted (see outcomes).
1 - Presentation of CRN goals and activities (Jobbágy)
2 - Start-up questionary (All) Guiding questions distributed beforehand
A. What activites are you already carrying on that are related to our CRN(or what would be your contributions in a business as usual scenario)
B. What expectations and motivations you have regarding our CRN(or what new things, different than A, would you do in the frame of our CRN)
C. What capacities, infraestructure, relevant contacts, etc, can you bring to the table and share with the rest of the CRN people
3 - Challenges in the integration of Social and Biophysical dimensions (Diego Piñeiro)
4 - Group discussion: CRN group Mission, Actions, and Agenda (All)
5 - Ecosystem Products and Services as a scientific framework (Paruelo)
6 - Administrative issues (Jobbágy & Counyo)
1. MISSION: discussion The need for (a) quality science, (b) integration of disciplines and national territories and (c) “real world” relevance of our quests and actions, as well as (d) training of a new generation of scientists was discussed. Synergies and trade-offs among all these missions were discussed.
2. ACTIONS: discussion The following collaborative activities were proposed/discussed. I considered our previous discussions with those missing in the meeting. We expect to achieve some products and a more clear road map for each one of them for our plenary meeting in March 2007.
Far from being a fixed list, this admits people additions and deletions as well as other collaborative activities. All these activities attempt to progress in points a-b-c-d of our mission beyond what we, as scientist, would do in a bussines as usual scenario. Off course, besides these collaborative activities,
I expect a lot of "business as usual" products from all the CRN participants.
Activity 2 of CRN: socioeconomic context of LUCs - focus on afforestation and soybean expansion in Uruguay & Argentina D Piñeiro, Carambula, Maceira, Paruelo
Patterns & Controls of fires in the basin (in addition to biophysical factors explore human drivers such as type of farmer/rancher -e.g. peasant vs. large scale operations-, or proximity to urban centers, affecting fire frequency)
DiBella, Coronel, Hoffmann.
Soil carbon storage and dynamics following key land uses change in the basin (conceptual framework and data synthesis)
G Pineiro, Panario, Coutinho, Jobbagy, Jackson, Noellemeyer.
Land use change patterns and drivers in a spatilly explicit context (Work in pilot areas, use of Cellular automata and agent models)
Vega, Paruelo, Meirelles, Podesta, Epstein.
Integration of Soil data bases in the Basins (identify gaps, possible sources, and lobby actions to make data more accessible and integrated across countries)
Panario, DiBella, Coronel, Meirelles & Coutinho.
Development of web site for the convergence of expert knowledge on land use and ecosystem function shifts in South America based on long term NDVI trends
Jobbagy, Baldi, Meirelles, DiBella, Guerschman.
Feedbacks among climate, groundwater and land use in the western Pampas (Besides the purely biophysical link between precip, water table depth and land use/evapotranspiraiton, we will explore how different farmer behaviors affect the system)
Aragon, Jobbagy, Viglizzo, Fernandez, Jackson.
Application of an ecosystem product & services matrix together with a cost/benefit appropriation matrix across sectors of the society to explore trade-offs under different scenarios. Two pilot areas with dynamic land use changes (possibly Chaco - agr vs. cattle in dry forest- and Uruguay agr vs. afforest vs. cattle in grassland) will be targeted Paruelo, Maceira, Viglizzo, Altesor, Schlichtler, Pineiro / We are looking for a posdoc here...
Bold means main responsible(s)
Our schedulle of large plenary workshops includes only 3 large meetings during the five years of the project. Rather than having more of those we will target smaller task-oriented meetings.
Publicado en “Concepto Forestal” 9/2006 – Boletín Electrónico de la Secretaria de Agricultura Ganadería y Pesca – ARGENTINA
El 12 de septiembre pasado, en instalaciones de la Fundación ArgenINTA, tuvo lugar una reunión de información y discusión acerca de impactos ambientales y sociales de las plantaciones forestales. En sus palabras de apertura, el Dr. Tomás Schlichter señaló que una de las principales razones del evento era “abrir una instancia de diálogo constructiva hacia los aspectos ambientales de las plantaciones forestales”. Las disertaciones fueron las siguientes:
• Plantaciones y biodiversidad, por Verónica Rusch, de INTA Bariloche.
• Plantaciones de Eucalyptus y consumo de recursos hídricos. Plantaciones de Eucalyptus, salinización y acidificación, por Esteban Jobbagy, de CONICET – Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
• Plantaciones de pinos en zonas templadas y consumo de agua. Comparación con pastizales y bosque nativo, por Tomás Schlichter, de INTA Bariloche.
• Impactos de diferentes prácticas de manejo (aprovechamiento, quema de residuos) sobre parámetros y características del suelo. Acidificación por parte de pinos subtropicales, por Roberto Fernández, INTA Montecarlo.
• Impacto de la actividad forestal sobre el empleo. Comparación con otras formas de uso de la tierra, por Diana Diaz, de INTA Concordia.
Presentaciones disponibles en http://www.ambienteydesarrollo.com.ar/forestacion/